Description and applications
Sandwich panel for walls and ceilings with a rock wool core and pre-painted galvanised steel faces, available in different coatings. LR DUAL is specially designed to offer high fire resistance and is ideal for sectorisation.
Both LR and LR DUAL panels are certified with a Euroclass A2-s1,d0 fire reaction rating. The LR DUAL panel offers fire resistance of up to 180 minutes (EI 180) and integrity of up to 240 minutes for panels ≥100 mm thick. For panels ≥80 mm, it provides fire resistance of 90 minutes (EI 90) and integrity of up to 120 minutes (assembly conditions apply).

Fire behavior
Fire reaction classification: EUROCLASE A2-s1,d0
Certified fire resistance EI 90 | EI 120 | EI 180 : Depending on the thickness of the panel (see technical data sheet)
Technical characteristics

Useful width: 1.120 o 1.150 mm
Manufacturing length: from 2.0 to 12.5 m
Density : 120 kg/m3
Thermal conductivity (λ): 0,042 W/mK
Available thicknesses (A): 80 | 100 | 125 | 150 (mm)
DUAL integrity + insulation.